Whoo-wee! Gosh a lot has happened since the last time I posted! I don't exactly know where to start!

Let's see. Premal and I went on a little retreat to the mountains where we enjoyed our first real Colorado snow of the season. Then, Momo and I drove to New Haven where I exchanged my mother for Glorianna, Kimber the babies at which point we might have driven to Montreal--we heard it was lovely this time of year. After our journey north we stopped back through CT where we caught a disappointing football game, made a fire and picked up a couple of stragglers. Then, we headed south of the Mason Dixon Line where we enjoyed one of the merriest turkey-days we've had in a long while, played an epic game of Yankee Trader, and got into a fight with a bear. THEN Momo and I picked up three tiny traveling companions and headed back West. We added approximately 4,600 miles to Momo's Camry, listened to an inhumane number of children's CDs, and somewhere along the way, it seems Premal and I became home owners.