^^^only your siblings know what parading around in matching star-spangled shirts feels like^^^
Last Diwali I mentioned that Premal and I were trying to figure out how we would navigate the blending of our customs--especially when it comes to festivals and celebrations. Well, we're back for round two of our little experiment, and it's a good one. Rakhi is the Hindu celebration of protective siblings. Traditionally, sisters give their brothers little bracelets to thank them for their guardianship, and receive sweets and gifts in return--because sisters are treasures, and should be treated as such. I'm all for being a treasure, but you can, of course, count on me to make things a bit more gender neutral. Because you have never seen a more protective mama bear than sweet Charity Sunshine up against a prospective beau (I'm pretty sure she once told Premal she would cut his hmm-hmm off if he ever hurt me). And there have definitely been times when I watched over Shiloh like he was a peony in full bloom.
So instead, we've chosen to celebrate by taking a few moments to reflect on how awesome our siblings are, and to thank them (by sending a little friendship bracelet in the mail) for all they do to ensure that we grow to meet our greatest potentials.
^^^ it gave me a great excuse to whip out my long dormant bracelet-making skillz^^^
So, here goes nothing.
Thanks for reading to me, and reading with me, and giving me great books to read to myself. Thanks for the sweet hand-me down t-shirts (and the not so sweet hand-me-down leggings). Thanks for teaching me how to cook and fight and whistle and fish. Thanks for driving me places, and driving me crazy. Thank you for the punches you've thrown (and taken) on my behalf. Thanks for teaching me about music and not freaking out (too much) when I dated your friends. Thanks for giving me a shoulder to cry on when I needed it, and a bop in the nose when I'd sobbed you soggy. Thanks for believing in me, and inspiring me to be more like each of you. I'm so lucky to have each of you in my life. I love you. Happy Rakhi.
^^^look at my dreamy model. look at him!^^^
Now I have to actually stick these buggers in the mail....