Did any of you see that movie Drive that came out last year? It was a bit grizzly, but seriously beautiful. I will admit to being one of the many fans of the dreaminess that is Ryan Gosling. ( I mean, can you blame me?) But even more than the movie, or monsieur Gosling, or the fact that Christina Hendricks came on for a bit part to scratch that Mad Men itch... It was the music that took my breath away. It's the perfect soundtrack for a grey-day road trip. Like this one Dr. P and I took on a whim to Roosevelt island last week.

Dr. P got back from the hospital when there was still daylight--a rare treat--and even though it was fading fast, we really wanted to get into the wilderness a bit. So we rushed off to the memorial to Teddy Roosevelt. For those of you who have never been to the island nestled in the middle of the Potomac, I highly recommend it. A fitting tribute to the conservationist president,Roosevelt island is a nature reserve right in the city. It's great for a long walk and some new scenery. You can even canoe over, like Dr. P and I did last year. This time however, the five minute drive was a necessary evil if we wanted to catch the sun.

This song featured prominently in the film, and it now plays in my head on lonely walks and quiet afternoons.