'Procrastinate' -- a dreaded and much-maligned word. But why? Its dichotomy is straightforward enough: 'pro', the Latin word meaning 'for', and 'cras', the Latin word meaning 'tomorrow'. For tomorrow. As interpreted by some, that is a tired excuse of feckless idlers -- but I hear in it the rallying cry of sanguine see-ers. A call to those who fix their vision beyond the drooping certainties of the present and instead root for the limitless contingencies of the future. For tomorrow! With pride, I take it upon myself to defend unrealized epiphanies; to imagine quixotic possibility -- even when it may be more practical to do. For all great things which have yet to be exist in a day still to come. Today may be a gift, but tomorrow holds unadulterated promise.*
*Finals? I'll get to those later. . .