Q: When does fourth place feel like Olympic gold?

A: When it's the New York Freaking Times Best Sellers List. That's when.

Even though his name isn't on the cover, Brother L had his hand (and brain) in every single one of the 804 pages of this "masterful and illuminating" (Henry Kissinger's words, not mine) exploration of the geopolitics of energy. The New York Times Book Review calls it "if anything...even better" than the author's last book (which he wrote without L's able assistance). And that one won the Pulitzer Prize.  Needless to say, we're pretty proud. (And a big ancillary round of applause to Three, who's doing seriously mind-blowing PR for this baby. BRAVO!).

Say yes! to hydropower!

So -- in celebration of this epic publication, and its epic success, L and Mr. BossMan are generously giving one lucky reader a doubly autographed, personally inscribed copy of The Quest, which, we're so happy to remind you, is NUMBER FOUR ON THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERS LIST!

To enter:

1) Visit BossMan's Web site, enjoy the cheery yellow hue, learn something about energy (The eye-opening quiz or spiffy interactive map are great starting points -- thanks, Three!). Then, come back and share a choice nugget in a comment below. Even if you don't win the book, you'll sound WAY smarter at your next cocktail party. You can thank us later.
Doesn't she look brilliant?
2) For a bonus entry, follow our blog (you know you want to!) and tell us you do so in a comment below. If you're already a follower, thanks! You get a bonus entry, too :-)

We'll pick a winner and announce it next Monday. 

P.S. To be filed in the "Other Cool Stuff Our Family Is Up To" category, our cousin just launched a new photo sharing Web site. Word on the street is it's both cool and addictive. Since I am not particularly cool and definitely prone to unhealthy addictions, I've been trying to avoid it as long as possible. But if you can rock skinny jeans and have a modicum of self-control, you should check it out.