Over the last few weeks, due to impending deadlines and unexpected obligations, I have become less well acquainted with my bed. This has been hard because I really love my bed. But, I'm not gonna lie, when I saw this wonderful creation, I felt a little unfaithful. Maybe it's the lack of time we've spent together recently, or maybe it's something more serious. But my beautiful antique bed and I are going to have to talk because I can't really get over this newer model. Isn't it dreamy?

It reminds me of summers when 2, 3, 4--or 5!--of us would sleep in the same, giant bed. It wasn't always the most comfortable sleeping arrangement, but it was always the most fun. Sleepovers with sisters are my favorite. This bed looks like it could fit four or five of us totally comfortably! Don't you love it?
3--We all look *so* happy
4--Two looks less than thrilled to have us as sleeping buddies
And this is what happens when there isn't enough room for all of us in the same bed...yeah, not pretty.
*You may note the absence of One in these pictures. That's because--for the last six years or so--she's been sharing a bed with someone else...Lame!