The holiday season is such a wonderful time to come together with friend and family, and rejoice in life. I really appreciate that society has designated the darkest days of the year as a time of joy and thanksgiving. For me there's nothing that keeps the S.A.D. away like an evening caroling, or decorating a Christmas tree.

That said, the stress of shopping, traveling, and party planning certainly wear me out. So while this is the season of giving, it 's also the season of getting... the flu for instance.

This is where my contribution to our first GIVEAWAY comes in! While I had originally hoped to give away flu shots, my sister convinced me that sending needles through the mail might not be a great idea. So I'm sending our lucky winner my winter wellness kit. You'll be armed with my favorite hand sanitizer moisturizer, airborne, and two delicious teas from Urbanistic Tea and Bike Shop here in Denver.

So Go Forth into Winter Holiday Land without fear! And have a happy healthy new year!! If you're interested in my meager offerings (not to mention some wicked cool stuff from my sisters!) Follow us and leave a comment here.

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