Our family has a distinct proclivity for cheese. Of all varieties.

Example A)

Random Cowboy Picture

Example B)

Matching Dirndls

Example C)
Irish Fondue

This mind-blowing innovation was the brainchild of Three, and flawlessly executed by Brother S, (when a shortage of Emmentaler kinked his plans for a traditional Swissstravaganza). It is absolutely perfect for this fresh, cozy season, especially when paired with Stayman apples from the farmers' market and a long afternoon romping through leaves. Yum!
  • Grate ~2lb aged Irish cheddar and toss with 2 Tbs. all purpose flour.
  • Gently warm two bottles of dark beer (we used a spicy little brew called Black Chocolate Ale, but my teetotaling palate has a hunch anything rich and bubbly would be delish. Except, perhaps, root beer. Don't try that.)
  • When the beer is steaming hot but not yet boiling, slowly add the floured cheese, one scant handful at a time, constantly stirring with a wooden spoon in a figure-8 pattern, watching carefully to ensure the fondue doesn't boil.
  • When all that cheesey goodness is incorporated and you have an irresistibly creamy vat and you imagine it couldn't possibly get any more delicious, swirl in a generous Tablespoon of pure maple syrup. Oh my.
Serve this up with fresh pumpernickel, assertive gherkins and the very best apples you can find.

No, I am not kissing that marvelous morsel of cheesy-pickle awesome,
but only because it didn't occur to me in the moment to do so.